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 Indulge in the irresistible charm of our beloved Pastel Giftbox, crafted to delight and enchant! This exquisite ensemble features a delicate array of pastel-hued stems, meticulously selected to evoke the essence of summer's splendor. Within this captivating bouquet, you'll find an enchanting medley of spray roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, clematis, and lisianthus, each bloom contributing its own unique allure to the symphony of colours and textures.

 Elevate any occasion with the timeless elegance of this enchanting arrangement, whether it's to celebrate a special milestone, convey heartfelt sentiments, or simply brighten someone's day. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly buy your order online and give this radiant treasure to your loved ones, spreading joy and warmth with every stem. The perfect gift for Easter.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Pastel GiftBox

ÂŁ49.99 ÂŁ45.99
Brighten any day with our radiant Sunshine Giftbox, bursting with vibrant hues of yellow and orange flowers. Expertly handcrafted by a skilled local florist, you can buy this stunning bouquet online for same day delivery by hand. Illuminate the moment with the warmth and cheer of fresh flowers, effortlessly ordered and delivered to your doorstep. Order today online for someone special in your life this Easter.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Sunshine Giftbox

ÂŁ49.99 ÂŁ46.99
Indulge in the exquisite charm of our Blazing Beauty bouquet, a dazzling ensemble featuring Craspedia, Gemini, Tulips, and Roses, meticulously selected to infuse your home with vibrant elegance. Handcrafted by our experienced local florists, you can order this stunning arrangement online before 2 PM for same day hand delivery, ensuring every special moment is adorned with floral splendor. This bouquet makes an amazing Easter gift. Order yours online today.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Blazing Beauty

ÂŁ45.99 ÂŁ42.99
The Arcadia Basket is a colourful combination of seasonal, hand tied flowers arranged by an expert local florist. Brighten up someone's day with this classic basket design. This bouquet will be crafted by an experienced local florist near you. Purchase yours online today before 2 PM and have the flowers delivered directly to your loved ones.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Arcadia Basket

Embrace nostalgia with our hand-created bouquet, showcasing a delightful fusion of Germini, Lily, and Roses. Sourced sustainably and ethically, these flowers not only evoke cherished memories but also promote eco-consciousness. Buy online today from our trusted florist and have your order of fresh flowers delivered directly to your loved ones, or as a well deserved treat to yourself.  This arrangement is an excellent gift for Easter or any special occasion.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Sweet Memory

ÂŁ49.99 ÂŁ46.99
Embrace timeless elegance with our classical bouquet, expertly handcrafted by local florists for the perfect Anniversary or Birthday or Easter gift. This exquisite arrangement features a harmonious blend of blooms, colors, and scents, meticulously chosen to evoke joy and appreciation. Buy online and amaze your special someone with a surprise flower delivery.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Timeless White

Delight in the charm of our stunning mixed rose arrangement, adorned with subtle flashes of lilac and pink, radiating modesty and beauty. Let these demure blooms do the talking when words fall short. With same-day delivery, this presentation makes the perfect last-minute Mother's Day gesture. Hand-crafted by a skilled florist near you, buy online for a hassle-free experience of flowers delivered straight to your loved one's doorstep
Available Today, 13 Dec
This White Giftbox is a great way to show your appreciation! Flower Shops Network has a tremendous range of flowers available for next or same day delivery throughout the UK. This bouquet will be hand-tied by an expert florist near you and the flowers will be delivered same day if ordered by 2 PM. Buy yours today.
Available Today, 13 Dec

White Gift Box

Immerse yourself in luxury with our Indulgence Bouquet, an opulent arrangement of hand-cut Bouvardia and Roses designed to convey heartfelt affection and passion. Lovingly hand-created by our skilled florists nearby, this bouquet exudes elegance and sophistication, making it the perfect choice to impress your loved one. Buy online for convenient delivery and let these exquisite flowers convey your message of passion straight to their doorstep, ensuring a memorable surprise
Available Today, 13 Dec


A classic, elegant bouquet of scented white Lilies adds glamour to any interior, makes the perfect gift for anniversaries and birthdays. This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, order for same day delivery by hand, or next day delivery via our courier.
Available Today, 13 Dec
A larger bouquet of vibrant blooms, this bouquet will be different every time being made by our local florists! This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, and delivered by hand.
Available Today, 13 Dec
Crazy for You is a bouquet of beautiful hand tied flowers crafted with love by our passionate local florists. Send this Crazy For You bouquet to the perfect person on the perfect occasion.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Crazy for You

Our Mum's Delight bouquet features an elegant display of lilies and roses, and is the perfect way to express your emotions in style. Pink flowers are perfect for sending that someone special a beautiful message of love and our same day delivery make these the ideal last minute Mother's Day flowers. This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, and delivered by hand. Please note vase not included but can be added at checkout.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Mum's Delight

A gorgeous Mother's Day flower basket packed with pink carnations and roses, lemon spray chrysanthemum and white spray carnations. A delectable arrangement, lovingly created by your local artisan florist and perfectly presented.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Mother's Basket

This gorgeous arrangement of golden and white flowers is hand crafted by local florists and is guaranteed to brighten anyone's day. These fresh, hand tied flowers would brighten up any space or any face!
Available Today, 13 Dec


Featuring a stunning combination of Antirhinum, Craspedia, Germini and Roses each Lemon Sizzle bouquet is hand tied by local florists and is a zesty delight! This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, order for same day delivery by hand, or next day delivery via our courier.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Lemon Sizzles

Elegant and eye catching, this bouquet of hand cut flowers features Iris, Chrysanthemum and Lisianthus in vibrant colours. The ideal gift for a loved one on any occasion, our flowers are ethically sourced and sustainable. This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, order for same day delivery by hand, or next day delivery via our courier.
Available Today, 13 Dec


We feel this eye catching selection of hand tied Crespedia, Lucuspurnum and Roses is the perfect combination of seasonal flowers . Our Luxury Tropics bouquet is the perfect gift for all occasions.
Available Today, 13 Dec
Hand crafted by local florists, our spectacular Raspberry Red bouquet features fresh, hand cut flowers that are the perfect non traditional arrangement for when you want to tell someone special something important! This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, order for same day delivery by hand, or next day delivery via our courier.
Available Today, 13 Dec

Raspberry Reds

An elegant and formal arrangement of Germini and Chrysanthemum, this handcrafted bouquet is fragrant, colourful and the perfect gift for birthdays and anniversaries. Hand delivered by local florists, these ethically sourced, sustainable flowers guarantee a guilt free celebration. This bouquet will be handcrafted by an experienced florist, order for same day delivery by hand, or next day delivery via our courier.
Available Today, 13 Dec



I Love Lily / Rolfe's The Florist Flowers by Ocassion

Beautiful flowers must always be present whenever there is an occasion. This is because flowers bring out the beauty of the celebration. For a truly wonderful and festive occasion, you should pick the right flowers for the special day. Choose lovely lilies and colourful carnations for weddings and the arrival of a new baby. For festivals, sunny and bright flowers like gerberas and sunflowers are your best bet.

Need flowers outside the Cardiff area? Contact Flower Shops Network and let them find the best local florist near you!

Things Our Customers Say

Emma Burns
10 months ago

Just to say a huge thank you for the flowers pn Saturday. They were absolutely perfect. The lilac roses were stunning as were my little blue thistles (were they sea holly/eryngium). And thank you also for doing the two button holes last minute.
10 months ago

Thank you for your hard work on our wedding day. The bouquets you produced for the bridesmaid and Janine were fantastic. Thanks again
Emma & Paul 
11 months ago

Hi Adele! Thank you so much for making the castle look so beautiful on our wedding day!! The flowers were incredible! We still can’t stop thinking about how amazing they were! You are such a lovely and talented woman and we are so glad we choose you to be part of our day!
Rach & Al 
11 months ago

We just want to say a HUGE thank you for making our day so perfect! So many people have spoken to us since the wedding praising you on your talent, you made the venue look absolutely beautiful and I loved the bouquets! You are hugely talented and we can’t thank you enough!

About I Love Lily / Rolfe's The Florist

With several years in the floral industry, I Love Lily Flowers in Cardiff has a lot to offer for you. We have a variety of flowers and collections of floral arrangements perfect for different occasions. Our flower arrangements are made by only experienced florists in their field. We are sure to exceed your expectations whenever you order flowers from our online shop.

Our shop, I Love Lily Flowers offers all flower varieties and floral arrangements. Expect high-end luxury flowers or even a simple flower in a pot. We are our proud to say that we provide the best flowers in Cardiff. Besides flowers, we also provide different floral services with the help of our professional florists.

If you are planning to buy flowers online, I Love Lily Flowers is the ideal choice. We highly recommend our online shop whenever you need flowers. We are available Mondays to Saturdays. Feel free to contact us at 07815 941809 or email us at for inquiries. You may also visit our shop in Cardiff. We are located at Unit 3 Heol Ffaldau Brackla Industrial Estate, Bridgend, CF31 2AJ, United Kingdom.

From bouquets to table centrepieces to glamorous buttonholes we can create your ideal floral arrangement with our experience and knowledge. Our consultancy will cover the available form of flowers, style, shape, and size that will need flowers, whatever the church, hall, synagogue, or temple site. To get inspired by our past works, see our wedding designs here.

A Little History of I Love Lily / Rolfe's The Florist

We are proud of our local history, and passionate about flowers, at I Love Lily and we would love to share some of those passions. We are artisanal florists who find inspiration all around us and we are certain we can provide the perfect flowers whatever the occasion. Wwe hope this brief introduction will help to inspire you as the local flowers, nature and history inspire us.

Cardiff, officially known as the City and County of Cardiff, is the eleventh largest city in the United Kingdom, and is also the capital city of Wales.  Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that the area has been inhabited by humans since at least 6000 BC, about 1500 years before the construction of either Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid of Giza was completed. However, Cardiff was a relatively small town until the early nineteenth century, when its prominence as a port, which was essential in transporting the coal that would drive the Industrial Revolution, aided the town’s growth. The area has a population of approximately 480,000 and Cardiff is home to the Welsh parliament (the Senedd), a large number of national cultural institutions, most Welsh media and it is also home to numerous sporting and entertainment venues. Despite its growth, Cardiff remains a county town and is part of the historic county of Glamorgan, which is a county of outstanding natural beauty and offers residents and visitors alike the chance to experience the diversity and beauty of nature on the doorstep.

The diversity of nature is celebrated in the choice of national symbols for Wales, be it the Leek, the dragon, the red kite, or the humble daffodil. This perennial flower, also known as Narcissus, was chosen to represent the country by David Lloyd George, the only Welshman to ever be Prime Minister of the UK. Its appearance in early spring neatly coincides with St. David’s Day on March 1st, and reflects nature’s optimism. The flower is also grown commercially for the galantamine they produce, as this can be used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Beautiful, and useful, it is hardly surprising that a country with the daffodil as its national flower should inspire so many budding florists.

These budding florists, both amateur and professional, can also find inspiration in the city itself. There are over 18 parks within the city, including Howardian Local Nature Reserve. This is a former landfill site that has been developed into a 32 acre site of varied habitats, ranging from estuarine to woodland, meadow, wetland to ponds that provide shelter and food for over 500 species of wildlife. With all of the wildlife come abundant local fauna, including flowers such as the Bee, Common spotted, Southern marsh and Butterfly orchids. The city also boasts the Cardiff Bay Wetlands Reserve, which was opened in 2002 and created after the construction of the Cardiff Bay Barrage. The construction created 200 hectares of freshwater lake from previous salt marsh and the reserve was then developed to encourage biodiversity and promote the regions local flowers.

There are also a collection of botanical gardens, Dyffryn Gardens, in Glamorgan which showcase the passion of locals for both native and exotic flora. These are presently in the care of the National Trust but were started to keep up the flower hunting craze of the 19th century. Reginald Cory was one of these hunters who travelled the world in search of exotic new plants and flowers. He brought his discoveries back to Dyffryn and used the sheltered south-facing position to plant his specimens and many of them still thrive today.

These are just some of the reasons we are the inspired florists we are today, and we truly believe we have the flower and bouquet to suit any occasion. As local, artisanal florists we are confident that we can inspire you, too.

We Promise

Competent and Innovative

We promise that our products and services will exceed your expectations. Our flower creations and floral arrangements are all made by hand to ensure its freshness and quality. When you work with us, we promise that our designs will be one-of-a-kind. We work with the best local florists to create the best arrangements for your special day. We promise that we innovate when it comes to floral designs.

Freshest Blooms Guaranteed

We promise all flowers to be fresh and new. We only offer the finest and freshest flowers from our local sources. Our shop has fresh roses, gerberas, lilies, carnations, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, freesias, and orchids.

We handle our flowers with care. With that, we promise that our flowers will come to you fresh and looking new. Our fresh blooms are guaranteed to last for a week. For a guide on how to lengthen the life of your flowers, we have our FLOWER MAGAZINE. Read and learn how to take care of flowers when you browse our magazine.

Passion For Flowers

Flower Academy

Magazine logo Being knowledgeable about flowers is a good thing. You may not be engaged in floriculture industry or a cut-flower industry, but having awareness about flowers is a great starting point for you to adore them. Reading helpful articles to learn about how flowers are grown and are being cared for. Read our flower magazine to gain a better understanding of the significance of flowers, not just to anyone but to the whole world. 

Care Tips

Care Tips logo Every day, we can see beautiful flowers wherever we go. We can’t help but admire how beautiful these colourful petals bloom and how vibrant they look. Do you know how these magnificent blossoms are taken care of? Why is their beauty so bewitching? Read our flower care tips and let yourself be guided on how your cut flowers should be cared go to make them last longer.

Cardiff Florists Flower Delivery Locations